
Inge Cheng
Vancouver, BC

Judy Wright is not just a skilled and kick-ass trainer. She is also an effective motivator and a role model (looking at her physique as a professional competitor herself made me want to attain similar results, and feel that it's possible to do so). I came to her at the beginning physically weak and gaunt. I've never in my life trained at the gym.

For years, I had struggled trying to achieve a healthy weight, strength and muscle definition, but it wasn’t until I worked with Judy that the endeavor fruitioned, through regular training at the gym and outdoors, diet coaching and friendly motivational pep talk. Having gained about 12 of lean muscle mass later in just a span of a few short months, I was a contender at the 2010 WBFF BC championship for the Bikini category.

Judy is an amazing trainer. I am proud to say that I have trained with her.